Charity Donation
Donate $125,000 to start organizing the service trips in partnership with Lions Club and based on our DAO’s votes
CoNexus Beta
Launch the first Web3 AI interactive storytelling platform
Battle for Nexon
Launch the first lore-based game, fitting into Discord Episode 2
Ark Assassin
Launch a lore-based mobile game
Service Trip
Hold the first global service trip fully funded, organized, and attended by DeGenerous DAO - in Turkey and India in February 2024
Last Stand
Launch v1 and v2 of a top-down shooter game, fitting into the Iron Lion storyline
As the DAO votes - once Arks surpassed Exosama Network - go multi-chain and unlock the Potentials out of Arks, doing the reveal of the dynamic evolvable avatars on Ethereum & Base
Governance Hub
Launch a dApp on Base, supporting weekly AI-powered story nodes that allow Potentials to shape the Dischordian Saga and their NFT traits
Sagaverse Gaming
Roll out a page that supports all our games and acts as a bridge to our partners' metaverses and games
Governance Hub v2
Update the hub at the start of Season 2 of The Dischordian Saga to include functionalities such as class-gated voting, delegation, and vote cancellations alongside an improved UI/UX
Launch a dynamic lore-tracking map that makes IP assets easily searchable and discoverable. It turns intricate storytelling into a seamless experience via the visualization of character connections, histories, and appearances.
CoNexus v1
Launch the first version of CoNexus available to the wider public
CoNexus v1.5
Merge all apps into CoNexus and support user customization of languages, length, visuals, and more for all stories
Launch a singular platform allowing holders to manage their assets in one place. It can be used for connecting multiple addresses to one account, customizing & staking NFTs, token burning, managing incoming rewards, etc.
Launch an ERC20 utility token
Decentralized Charity
Create a multi-sig charity wallet that anyone can donate to
CoNexus v2
Launch a self-publishing tool with an infrastructure to integrate user-generated stories, programmable IP rights, and fair revenue
CoNexus v3
Have automated high-end videos and multiplayer possibilities
Philanthropic Platform
Form the first decentralized charity fundraising platform with the help of NFT (Potentials) governance and Lions volunteers to allow crypto holders to easily donate to a verifiable cause (that anybody can create) and be able to showcase it through NFTs
DeGenerous DAO